Demonstrate style. Act sustainably.
Everything that we produce and do affects our fellow human beings and our Earth. Before clothing and accessories from our top brands and our in-house VAN GRAAF brands reach our customers’ closets, they undergo complex processing steps and have often traveled a long distance. As far as we are concerned as retailers, there are numerous starting points for sustainable action in each stage of this journey. VAN GRAAF wants to live up to its role as a global company in the long term and obliges itself and its business partners to take responsibility for people and the environment.
Sustainability practices apply from planting cotton, animal husbandry, fair working conditions and transport routes, and textile testing for harmful substances.
The 11 principles are:
- The right to freedom of association and collective bargaining
- No discrimination
- Fair wages
- Fair working hours
- Health and safety at the workplace
- No child labor
- Special protection for young workers
- No precarious employment
- No forced labor
- Environmental protection
- Ethical business conduct
You can learn about the background of the 11 principles here.